BC Black Bear Hunts in Canada
At Opatcho Lake we are extremely successful hunting black bears with both rifle and archery equipment. Our territory varies from river bottoms, agricultural lands (which green up first), to high elevation country and alpine. This means we always have excellent hunting conditions. All hunting is done by “spot and stalk,” hunting old roads, burns and clear cuts. Spring Black Bear hunts are conducted between May 1 – June 15. At that time, the pelts are in prime condition.
Spring Black Bear hunts offer bowhunters incredible opportunities for a trophy animal. Our hunting territory is perfect for spot and stalk type hunting. Most bowhunters have several stalk opportunities daily. Our Fall Black Bear hunts are conducted between Aug 15 – Oct 1 and are usually part of a combination hunt with, Wolf or Moose. Colour phase Bears are very common.
BC Black Bear Hunting Rate
6 day 2:1 Bear hunt $5500 USD +5% GST each
Second bear $3000 USD + the price of a black bear tag.
6 day 1:1 Bear hunt $7000 USD +5% GST
Second bear $3000 USD + the price of a black bear tag.
Prices do NOT include: Tax, Licenses, Tags, WCF (Wildlife Conservation Fund), flights, hotel, alcohol and royalty fees.