Customer Testimonails

I have hunted and filmed on six continents. Ken & Crystal Watson's Opatcho Lake Outfitters is one of the most well-organized and enjoyable hunts I have ever experienced. I highly recommend their operation and services, and I look forward to the opportunity to hunt with Opatcho Lake Outfitters in the years to come.

Steve Scott
Customer Testimonails

I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed my spring bear hunt. My guide was great. He was knowledgeable and eager to put me on bears from dawn until dusk. Having two bear tags gave me the opportunity to try with my rifle and bow. The camp was very comfortable, and the food was delicious! I would definitely book again. Please feel free to use me as a reference. Thanks again!

John Swanson Texas
Customer Testimonails

My wife and I spent 10 days moose hunting with Ken and Crystal Watson at Opatcho Lake Guide Outfitters. What a wonderful experience !! I got a really nice bull moose on day seven. We have eaten some of the steaks and they are very tasty. Some of the best meat we have ever eaten. Ken and Crystal go out of their way to make you have a happy, wonderful hunting, camping experience. We hope to see Ken and Crystal and their guides again.

Don and Bernie Loveland Moxee, Washington